Monday, October 7, 2019

Safety Management Practices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Safety Management Practices - Research Paper Example The present study of Wachter et al., analyzing the works of Bliese and Jex (2002) stress upon the reality that it is important to realize that a form of context is not represented by these practices that involve perceptual practices of the workers, including management commitment and safe environment. Consequently, measures that delve into the perceptions of the employees can be regarded as the outcomes of the objective safety management practices that are being implemented (Wachter & Yorio, 2014, p. 119). These researchers argue that measures which examine the perceptions of employees can be considered as the consequences of safety management practices that had been implemented in the workplace. This study supports the hypothesis that interventions with employee perceptions can be deemed as the consequences of fair safe management practices implemented in the workplace. In another study, Ford and Tetrick (2008) emphasize the importance of evaluating the manner in which behavioral fa ctors integrate into a wider safety intervention system. The control of workplace hazards is effected via several interventions. The latter can be categorized as, eliminating the hazard, preventing access to the hazard, and assisting people in acting safely and thereby averting injuries and hazards. The first class is that of eliminating hazards by replacing hazardous materials with non-hazardous materials and altering the environment, processes, and tools. This has been recognized as the optimal alternative.

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